External Communications Officer - WHO Slovakia

2022-03-30 13:11:01

Job description, information about job:
United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is seeking a National UN Volunteer Specialist to join the WHO Slovakia team for a duration of 3 months (with the possibility of extension).

This assignment is available immediately.MISSION AND OBJECTIVESThe WHO Country Office in Slovakia was established in 1994 in Bratislava to support WHO’s work in the country and provide leadership in advocacy, partnership and representation, policy development, and technical cooperation. The Office is the focal point for WHO activities in Slovakia and consists of two staff members. In 2013, Slovakia successfully reduced the tuberculosis rate to 6.4 cases per 100 000 population and is entering the elimination phase.CONTEXTFollowing the 3-level grading of the emergency in Ukraine on 24 February 2022, an IMST structure has been put in place to respond to the emergency in Ukraine and surrounding countries. This includes a Communication Pillar to the IMST at the regional and country levels.

Communication specialists are needed in Ukraine’s surrounding countries to coordinate the development, implementation, and evaluation of communications strategies in the context of Ukraine’s emergency by sharing relevant, timely, credible, and accurate health information on the situation of refugees in Slovakia and showcasing WHO’s work in supporting the health systems and positive health impacts to a number of audiences.TASK DESCRIPTIONReporting to the WHO Representative (WR) and/or Head of the Country Office (HoCO), and under the regular guidance of the Communication Manager RDD/EURO and Risk Communication and Community Engagement Regional Adviser WHE/EURO, the incumbent is expected to coordinate external communications in support to WHO/Europe response to the emergency in Ukraine. S/he strategically put heath high in UN communications and coordinates health partners’ communications.▪ Coordinate WHO external communications in the context of Ukraine’s emergency with the development, implementation, and evaluation of a communications and advocacy strategy for the WHO office in Slovakia:

▪ Establish/maintain a communication coordination group among health partners, coordinating and supporting their communications and advocacy activities, and represent WHO UN communications, providing heath input to and putting health high in overall UN agenda;

▪ Identify subjects of interest for communications products and activities pertaining to the emergency response efforts at the country level. Design communication materials and tools and ensure the rapid and timely dissemination of information to all partners, through traditional and social media channels;

▪ Produce and disseminate high-quality communications materials and tools, including audio-visual, photographic, and printed materials, television and radio programs, multimedia presentations, videos, press releases, talking points, newsletters, bulletins, webstories, reports, briefings, etc., to showcase health situations and needs of refugees and promote WHO’s work, achievements and success stories; ensure they are in line with WHO communications strategies and bring in a human element from personal experience;

▪ Working closely with regional Communication Officers, establish and maintain a network of contacts in the press/media to ensure and promote the dissemination of information; organize interviews and filming opportunities to support the high-visibility of WHO achievements through television, radio and newspapers, web, and social media, and provide support to broadcast media and journalists and facilitate their access to related information, as appropriate;

▪ Act as spokesperson as required, preferably in the national language, arrange media interviews and press conferences with international and national media in Slovakia;

▪ Write for and oversee WHO on Slovakia’s social media platforms, with content in the national language;

▪ Prepare communication and advocacy products and statements to be used to mobilize resources for overall health sector response to affected populations;

▪ Provide strategic communication advice and support to WR and/or HoCO in his/her public and media appearances, prepping media interviews and prompting WHO's voice in the media landscape;

▪ Perform any other duty as requested by supervisors;

▪ Any other related tasks as may be required or assigned by the supervisor.Results/Expected outputs:

▪ Produce and disseminate high-quality communications materials and tools, including audio-visual, photographic, and printed materials, television and radio programs, multimedia presentations, videos, press releases, talking points, newsletters, bulletins, webstories, reports, briefings, etc., to showcase health situations and needs of refugees and promote WHO’s work, achievements and success stories; ensure they are in line with WHO communications strategies and bring in a human element from personal experience;

▪ Age, Gender, and Diversity (AGD) perspective is systematically applied, integrated, and documented in all activities throughout the assignment;

▪ A final statement of achievements towards volunteerism for peace and development during the assignment, such as reporting on the number of volunteers mobilized, activities participated in and capacities developed.ELIGIBILITY▪ The candidate must be a national or legal resident of the country of assignment.

▪ Age: 27 - 80REQUIREMENTSRequired experience

▪ 3 years of experience at national and international levels in communication and/or advocacy, part of which should include supporting humanitarian emergency or health outbreak response and recovery activities.

▪ Proven experience in writing advocacy documents and in the production of communication materials and products.

▪ Desirable: Experience in planning and implementing communications strategies in an emergency setting, including behavioral change and media communications.

▪ Knowledge or understanding of WHO mandate and goals in emergency response relief or experience in similar positions in the UNs.Functional Skills and Knowledge:

▪ National language native speaker and writer;

▪ Ability to write well in English and produce engaging communication materials;

▪ Proven skills in the development and implementation of communication/media products and tactics;

▪ Excellent interpersonal skills complemented by the ability to conceptualize ideas and advocate consensus;

▪ Excellent presentation skills;

▪ Demonstrated ability to work under pressure to achieve multiple deadlines;

▪ Ability to "think out of the box" and to make innovative proposals to extend communication reach;

▪ Knowledge or understanding of WHO mandate and goals in the emergency incident management context;

▪ Knowledge of public health sector and issues;

▪ Demonstrated ability to work within an emergency context at the country level.Area(s) of expertise

▪ CommunicationDriving license

▪ n/aLanguages

▪ English, Level: Fluent, Required

▪ Slovak, Level: Fluent, Required

▪ Ukrainian, Level: Working knowledge, Desirable

▪ Russian, Level: Working knowledge, DesirableRequired education level

▪ Bachelor's degree or equivalent in communication, journalism, political science, social sciences, international relations, or related field from an accredited/recognized institute.

▪ Desirable: Graphic design, visual language, multimedia, and social media.Competencies and values

▪ Professionalism

▪ Integrity

▪ Teamwork and respect for diversity

▪ Commitment to continuous learning

▪ Planning and organizing

▪ Communication

▪ Flexibility

▪ Genuine commitment towards the principles of voluntary engagement, which includes solidarity, compassion, reciprocity, and self-reliance; and commitment towards WHO’s mission and vision, as well as to the UN Core Values.

Information for the applicant:
Please apply via the UN Volunteers portal https://app.unv.org/opportunities/1686208156350720
Company characteristics:

The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme contributes to peace and development through volunteerism worldwide. UNV works with UN partner entities to integrate qualified, highly motivated, and well-supported UN Volunteers into development programming. In the face of the crisis unfolding in Ukraine, with millions of Ukrainians impacted and displaced, the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is recruiting UN Volunteers to serve with United Nations partners on their emergency response in Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, and Slovakia.United Nations Volunteers (UNV) je organizácia OSN, ktorej cieľom je posiľňovanie mieru a rozvoja prostredníctvom dobrovoľníctva. UNV spolupracuje s partnermi, ako sú agentúry OSN, medzinárodné a mimovládne organizácie, vo vytváraní príležitostí a začleňovaní dobrovoľníkov do humanitárnych a rozvojových projektov po celom svete. UNV pôsobí vo viac ako 150 krajinách sveta. V súvislosti s vyvíjajúcou sa krízou na Ukrajine, ktorá má dopad na milióny ľudí a zapríčiňuje početné vysídľovanie, UN Volunteers poskytuje podporu partnerským organizáciám OSN zapojených do núdzovej odozvy v Česku, Maďarsku, Moldavsku, Poľsku, Rumunsku, Bulharsku a na Slovensku. Area of operation:
Činnosti extrateritoriálnych organizácií a združení Adress:
UN Volunteers
Platz d. Vereinten Nationen 1
Contact information:
Sonia Agarwal
Platz d. Vereinten Nationen 1, Bonn, 53113, Nemecko

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